Web Hosting Reviews - Fake or True! Where To Publish Yours.
False Web Hosting Reviews
There are a number of so called “web hosting review” sites which pretend that the web hosting providers they recommend worth your attention and the money you would spend with them. Some of those websites are real, but there are a long list of fake “web hosting review”.
Here is a short list of some web hosting review websites which claim to publish genuine customer reviews, but actually don’t (or at least there is no proof that they their reviews are original, as far as there is no forms to share your opinion on anything on their sites).
HostingCoupons.org: Although it is something like a “coupons blog” this website lists the “usual suspects” in Shared hosting market and classifies them as “best” and “top”. There is no chance for a consumers to say whether the companies listed there are really good or not. So, the “judgment” is “Fake”.
WebHostingGeeks.com: This “web hosting directory” pretends to target consumers’ attention to “top 10″ and “the best” hosting providers in almost any niche of the market. The directory has a excellent SEO rate and is ranked #1 in Google on many web hosting related keywords and phrases. I’ve unsuccessfully tried to submit a review for a web host and to text their “Add Customer Review” form. If you can submit one and then get it published, this should be a big they for the democracy in web hosting industry. So keep trying. The “judgmental” is “very fake” as far as this one is influential and made many people to choose any particular company which pay well for advertising.
WebHostingChoice.com: This is a web hosting directory I know for a long time. Honestly I can not find any explanation about why its lists the web hosts on its home page the way they are listed. The “Title” tag of the website says “Top 10 Web Hosting Sites”, a very spamming phrase. Sorry webhostingchoice.com, but you are fake.
Upperhost.com: This is crappy. The #1 web host is Bluhost and the website’s logo is the Bluehost’s one. I’ve seen one of Bluehost’s owners Matt and he looks like a very nice guys. But this is not about the Bluhost. It is about fake website which call’s itself “Top Inbependent Best Web Site Hosting Reviews”.H
Hosting-review.com: Forget about this one as well. It is flashy, it has all popular overselling web hosts featured in its home page, but if you want for some reason to review company like Verio or SoftLayer, then you have a problem.
Webhostingtoplist.com: No reviews. False list, which is just marketing.
Firstwebhosting.net: The same as the one above. Closed website, not chance to review anyone. Even the “Review this host” links next то the selected web hosts doesn’t work.
True Web Hosting Reviews
Well, it is the shortest paragraph in the article. The reason is that the objectiveness doesn’t pay as good as it should. But there are still some quality web hosting review sites or web hostign directories where you can get you review published.
WebHostingStuff.com: A long time among top ranked web hosting resources in all search engines, the WebHostingStuff deserves all the money they make from advertisers. There is democracy in this web hosting directory. Anyone can get listed for free. If any web host wants to be featured among Top 10 in the home page or in any category it pays on pay per click model. Users however can say their opinion about the provider.
Webhostingratings.com: An old player, a directory pioneer in publishing real and objective web hosting reviews. Unfortunately it is more an archive these days.
WebHostMagazine.com: A quality resource, with a competent editorial office. Anyone could contact them and to send a review.
HostSearch.com: A reputable directory with real and non-biased web hosting reviews. Strongly suggest you to use it.
Try Them
There also a third category of hosting review sites. Those are some that I wasn’t able to verify, but at the same time they seem to publish real user driven reviews. Here are some of them:
WebHostingReviews.com: Besides the very nice web address for a hosting review website, this site seems to provide objective consumer reviews. The “Submit Reviews” link/button is placed on a visible place in the main menu. So check the website and submit review about your web host there. However be advised that the #1 host in this website is HostGator, the same company that hosts the review website, and the contact details about the owner are Whois protected. Which means that the ownership of this hosting review website is not clear, and there is probably a good reason to be hidden.
WHReviews.com: A quite strange website, a very different from other similar hosting lists. The owner Dan Lemnaru is one of the most active members of Web Hosting Talk community. I can not estimate what percentage of the ranked web hosts listed in his WHReviews are inspired by customers. Dan says “You can trust my website and the things I say because I prove that I tell the truth. I do my best not to get too fond of any web hosting company and to keep my objectivity as intact as humanly possible”, and I think he would be trusted. However no ranking methodology can be found on WHReviews.
Web-Hosting-Top.com: I can bet that once I got into a “Submit Review” page in this hosting review site. However I wasn’t able to find it this time, which means it will not be easy for you as well. Of course there is nothing wrong to say about the website, excluding that 95% of the web hosts lsited there are those you can find in all false hosting reviews sites. And the owner’s contacts are hidden.
WebHostingSearch.com: This web hosting directory has a very cool form for rating your web host’s “reliability”, “support knowledge”, “speed”, “user-friendly control panel”. I’ve never used them, so I can not say whether they pay attention on users’ reviews or not.
Webhostingjury.com: Give them a try and the contact me to say it they work. It seems they do, that’s why i featured them here.